Tobias Grosser

Compiler Social - 07.02.24

Compiler Social

Date: 7 Feb 24
Time: 15:00 (Talk), 16:00-20:00 (Social)
Location: William Gates Building, 15 JJ Thomson Ave, Cambridge CB3 0FD
Rooms: LT1 (Talk), FW26 (Social)
Hosts: Dalia Shaaban, Renato Golin, Tobias Grosser

Register Here (important to get the food order right)

Join us for for a relaxed chat about compilers, while socializing over snacks and refreshments. Our social is open to students, academics, professional developers and really anyone interested in compilation. We welcome beginners as well as experts. Our social is an unguided space offered for you to get to know people, try out some new ideas, get feedback on your code, or pair-program on a difficult program. Come with just a paper notebook or bring your laptop to hack on some in-progress patches.

This social is traditionally organized by the LLVM community, but is open to all (potential) compiler enthusiasts.


There will be a Tech Talk by Tobias Grosser at 3pm (rightbefore the Compiler Social).

The Compilation Game:
Unifying AI, Hardware Design, Quantum, Climate Modelling, and Verification

Despite immense innovation pressure in the industry, we are held back by the slow evolution of our CPU -focused stand-alone compilation toolchains. Building a new domain-specific compiler, writing a new verification tool, optimizing an application, designing a microprocessor, or verifying some of its components: each of these tasks takes years. While the underlying problems are inherently complex, our inability to broadly exploit synergies across communities slows us down even more. Deep learning, battery electric vehicles, and rocket launches have seen orders-of-magnitude improvements over the last ten years, but compiler development is still slow. We must radically change the compiler development process: break it into pieces, scale the communities involved, use verification to enable scalability, and aggressively pursue automation across the stack. Open source can serve as a platform for this change, and our research in the context of the LLVM /MLIR community takes the first steps in this direction. I show how the number of compiler abstractions exploded recently, offer insight into the new hardware design stack CIRCT , and share our most recent efforts in high-performance computing and interactive theorem proving. Together, we will explore how these seemingly unrelated topics seed “the Compilation Game.”


The LLVM Compiler Social Cambridge has a long history. Over the years it was by members of the LLVM community in local pubs, at Microsoft Research, Graphcore and in many other venues. Similar events are hosted in the Bay Area, Paris, Zurich, Berlin, and numerous other cities worldwide.